Thursday, February 4, 2016

Why Modesty Is Important To Me

dear young daughters, even Coco knows the power of modest dressing.........MODESTY IS ELEGANCE!:

Modesty is important to me for many reasons, but the most important is displaying myself in a way that others will know what I stand for. By being modest we are able to truly show our standards are beliefs. As a disciple of Christ, I want to show that I love and honor my body. Our bodies are the greatest gift we have been given, because through gaining a body and making the right decisions we can have eternal life. I want to show others that I am thankful for my body and by being modest I can do that. If we dress modestly, we can have the spirit with us and be examples to those around us. 

"Modesty isn't about a list of rules. It's about reflecting God's holiness and purity through our clothing." -Girl Defined:

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